Akitakensan, a gift shop wholesaler in Akita City, recently released new and lovely mask cases to store your mask temporarily, for example, while you are eating. Several cute Akita dogs adorn the cases.
The case is 20 centimeters (cm) long and 11 cm wide. When the case is open, both sides have a place to store a mask, which gives you the option to keep a new mask stored, along with your temporarily removed one.
Oshima Shinji, president of the company, says, “We created this case wishing to bring more excitement and boost the entire souvenir industry. We also hope it will contribute to expanding the popularity of the Akita dog.”
Masks with the illustrations of Akita dogs and Namahage, ogre-like local Gods, are on sale at roadside shops throughout Akita. The price for an adult-size is 495 JPY, and the children-size is 385 JPY, including tax.
For more inquiries, please call Akitakensan at 018-862-6431.