Matsu (two-year-old male)
“This photo was taken after our morning walk when he greeted me after I returned from work. He’s usually very energetic, but he showed a rare, dignified expression at this moment.”
(Nagayo Kasai – Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture)
Mei (two-year-old female)
“This was taken at the Akita International Dahlia Garden in Yuwa, Akita City. Mei was so happy and cheerful as many people in the garden took her photos. She seemed thoroughly pleased.”
(Yasunori Kawakami – Katagami City, Akita Prefecture)
Yuki (nine-year-old female)
“When autumn was coming to an end, Yuki basked in the sunlight on the veranda. This spot used to be the senior cat’s favorite seat, so she used it secretly before. Now that the cat has passed away, Yuki confidently claims it as her own. She even acts as a lazy guard dog from this spot.”
(Fumiko Wada – Kawanishi Town, Yamagata Prefecture)
Maru (four-year-old female)
“This photo was taken in the summer. During our daily morning walks, she likes to head toward the park bench and lie down on her own. I think she finds the wood of the bench quite comfortable.”
(Yasuharu Tomii – Eniwa City, Hokkaido)