“We want to keep a dog.” ー This desire motivated one couple to move from an apartment to a house and bring an Akita dog into their family. Ben Lewis, 31, from Singapore, and his wife Suzanne O’Shea, 27, from the United States, work as assistant language teachers (ALTs) at elementary and junior high schools in Higashinaruse Village, Akita Prefecture. Their dog, Aki (one-year-old male), whom they call “Big Baby,” is now well known to everyone in the area. I headed to the village blanketed in deep snow to meet the couple and Aki in late January. (Reporting by Fujioka Maki)
Once entering Higashinaruse Village, visitors might be surprised as they drive through a continuous corridor of snow well over the height of an adult. Residents sweat and work hard to shovel the snow in this forested village outside Yuzawa City.

When I arrived, Suzanne welcomed me with a warm smile. Suddenly, Aki appeared from behind her and immediately licked my hand. He seemed so excited and he kept walking between my legs and sometimes carried a toy in his mouth, hoping I would play with him. I was surprised by Aki’s friendliness and even flinched a little. Seeing this, Suzanne smiled and explained that “Aki loves people.”
“Aki is a big guy, but he acts like a baby,” Ben said, smiling as he held Aki in his arms. When I sat down on the sofa, Aki laid down next to me. As I gently stroked his back, it felt incredibly comfortable to have my fingers sinking into Aki’s long, fluffy fur.
I accompanied the couple and Aki as they went for a walk in a winter wonderland. Aki was wearing a black snood (a tubular scarf) around his neck that belonged to Ben. This style has become Aki’s classic look for walks these days.

As soon as they stepped out of the house, Aki started romping in the snow. Aki loves the snow and suddenly jumped into a large pile by the side of the road and came out with his whole body covered in snow. All his actions were unpredictable and kept us all laughing.
Ben does not speak Japanese, but when he takes Aki out for a walk, the children passing by will greet them, saying, “Aki, good morning!” Aki is helping Ben to get to know the other villagers.
The couple has been big dog lovers their whole lives. Ben’s grandparents were breeders, so he was around dogs from a young age. Suzanne used to keep a Pomeranian before coming to Japan.

After being transferred to Higashinaruse Village, the couple first lived in an apartment in Yuzawa City that did not allow pets. But as their desire to keep a dog grew, they decided to move into a house managed by the village in December 2020.
Not long after, the couple went to a pet store in Akita City. Aki, seven months old and larger than the others, stood out among the small puppies. When they opened his cage, Aki tugged at the chest of Ben’s clothes as if he was begging him to take him with them.
Ben was looking for a Pomeranian at Suzanne’s request, but as he said, Aki “stole my heart.”
One year has passed since they welcomed Aki into their family. Due to the spread of coronavirus, the couple has been unable to see their family and friends overseas. But thanks to Aki’s presence, they don’t feel lonely.
When asked about what they would like to do with Aki in the future, they replied without thinking, “Everything.” The couple has many places they want to visit in their plans. “We will definitely explore more about our village. Apart from that, we would also like to go to Odate City, which is the hometown of Akita dogs,” said Ben.
They also mentioned that Aki loves to chase after the falling cherry blossoms. Right now, he is enjoying the snow to the fullest, but as spring slowly approaches, more fun waits for the family to experience.