The first Akita dog, with its unique charm, introduced me to the wonderful world of Akita dogs. The Second dog is cautious and observant, while the third, always brimming with energy, brings a sense of excitement. Originally from Odate City, Akita Prefecture, Mr. Tomoaki Tanaka, an office worker from Rifu Town, Miyagi Prefecture, is raising three Akita dogs, each with its own distinct personality. Mr. Tanaka shares the dogs’ individual charms through social media (SNS) and interactions during their walks, often saying, “The trio’s unique personalities triple the comfort.”
The red-haired Iroha (five-year-old female) and Leo (three-year-old male) are mother and son. Muu-hime, a long-haired tiger-haired Akita (ten-month-old female), is affectionately known as “Muu-chan.”
On September 4th, Mr. Tanaka was visiting his hometown in Akita City and went for a walk with his wife, eldest daughter, and three dogs.
Their destination was the newly opened walkway at the moat along the Otemon Gate of Senshu Park, a new spot where visitors can closely enjoy the lotus flowers in full bloom. Having seen posts by other Akita dog owners living in Akita City on SNS, he was curious about the place.
Since the day coincided with the Akita Kanto Festival (from the 3rd to the 6th), the walkway was bustling with tourists from early morning.

Muu-chan, an energetic female dog, led the way proudly, followed by gentle Iroha and Leo, who were a little timid. As they walked in line, they attracted attention, with people expressing surprise, saying, “Three Akita dogs there!” or asking if they could take photos.
Mr. Tanaka graciously accepted their request, and soon, a spontaneous photo session began. The three dogs, always eager to please, struck their best poses and made eye contact with the camera. They remained calm and composed even when approached by strangers, a testament to their excellent training and service-oriented nature.
Mrs. Sachiko Ishikawa (75), who visited Akita from Tokyo with her husband to see the Kanto Festival, enthusiastically photographed the three dogs. “I never expected to encounter my beloved Akita dogs here. They were so friendly and comforting. This experience will be one of my fondest memories of Akita,” she said, enjoying the interaction.
During the walk, Mr. Tanaka received various questions, such as “How much do they weigh?” and “Isn’t it hard to walk them?” He answered each question sincerely and added, “It’s great keeping an Akita dog.” He believes it from deep personal conviction.
Having grown up in Odate, Mr. Tanaka had always thought, “If I were to get a dog, it should be an Akita dog.” Six years ago, after his two children had become independent, he felt he could responsibly own a large dog and decided to have an Akita dog.
The first dog he owned, Iroha, came from a kennel in Odate. When he visited to see her at 50 days old, he saw her energetically jumping up, and the sight was “incredibly cute!”

After getting Iroha, he was utterly fascinated by the loyal nature of Akita dogs. Mr. Tanaka almost stopped going to his hobby, stream fishing, spending more time with Iroha. He presented for her birth, too. He said, “True to her name ‘Iroha’ (equivalent to ‘ABC’ in English), she has taught me the essentials of Akita dogs.” He kept Leo at his wife’s request from the four puppies born.
Muu-hime, nicknamed Muu-chan, joined last November as a potential partner for Leo. Mr. Tanaka had decided that his next dog would be a tiger-haired Akita dog, and he was “intuitively attracted” to Muu-chan at first sight. His experience with long-haired Akita dogs owned by acquaintances, all of whom had gentle natures, was also a deciding factor.
Generally, owning multiple dogs is considered challenging, but Mr. Tanaka said, “It’s not difficult as long as you train them properly.” He has trained the dogs not to bite people to ensure they do not harm them.
Muu-chan, full of energy, Iroha, always gentle and relaxed, and Leo, slowly warming up to Muu-chan, are gradually building a strong and comfortable bond at their own pace.
Mr. Tanaka said, “There are many places I want to take the trio, like Ise Grand Shrine in Mie Prefecture and Godzilla Rock in Oga City. To realize that I need to outlive the dogs. I also hope to share the pleasure of owning Akita dogs wherever we go.”