Akita Prefecture and One for Akita: Protecting the Future of Rescued Dogs – Crowdfunding Hometown Tax Campaign, Support Accepted Until October 23

“Take one action for the future of Akita dogs abandoned by their owners.” Akita Prefecture is raising funds through a crowdfunding (CF) hometown tax campaign. The funds raised will cover the costs of caring for three rescued Akita dogs. Like last year, the goal is 2 million yen. Support is being accepted via a dedicated page on the hometown tax site “Furusato Choice” until October 23.

A screenshot of the dedicated “Furusato Choice” page

The eligible Akita dogs are Ringo (eleven-year-old female), Gon (ten-year-old male), and Taiga (six-year-old male), all cared for by a General Incorporated Association ‘One for Akita’ in Akita City. These dogs, previously involved in biting incidents or abandoned by their owners, have been rescued by animal shelters and taken in by the association. They have undergone training and are now in good physical and mental health, a testament to the power of love and care.

The organization is committed to reducing the number of Akita dogs euthanized to zero and works tirelessly to connect rescued dogs with adoptive families. Despite their best efforts, finding adopters for the three dogs has become more challenging as they age. The organization continues to seek adoptive homes for Gon and Taiga, but due to her age, Ringo will remain under the care of the nonprofit for the rest of her life.

A postcard was offered as a special gift.

‘One for Akita’ reports that the cost of caring for each dog, including food, medical expenses such as vaccinations, and training (which also covers staff wages), is approximately 100,000 yen per dog per month.

As a token of their deep appreciation, those who donate will receive thank-you letters and postcards. Last year, the group raised 2,556,500 yen thanks to the generosity and compassion of supporters. The organization’s dog trainer, Akiko Suzuki (63), said, “Our rescue activities not only save the lives of dogs but also guarantee them a happy life until the very end. We are deeply grateful for your support and ask for your continued help to save as many Akita dogs as possible.”

Ringo (eleven-year-old female)

Ringo was in three biting incidents involving people and other dogs in Akita City and was rescued in December 2020. Initially, she was fearful and distrustful of people. Now, as a senior dog, Ringo enjoys being in public. At the “Akita Dog Station,” an exhibition facility in Nakadori, Akita City, she greets tourists with a lovable expression.

Gon (ten-year-old male)

Gon was abandoned by his owner in Gifu Prefecture in August 2019 due to neglect, such as not being taken for walks or receiving treatment for illnesses. At first, he was closed off from people and didn’t know how to seek affection. Now, he has regained his gentle and calm personality. His sister Karin, who was rescued with him and had white fur, passed away from breast cancer in March of this year.

Taiga (six-year-old male)

Taiga was involved in a biting incident with his owner’s family in Odate City and was rescued in October 2020. Due to his heightened sense of caution, he initially exhibited behavioral issues like growling at people. However, his expression softened after training, and he now displays a more affectionate side. He still has a fear of riding in cars, a lingering trauma from when his previous owner drove him to the animal shelter.

>Where Dogs Connect Akita and the World

Where Dogs Connect Akita and the World

Akita Inu (dogs), with their fluffy coat, round eyes, and an adorable tail that curls up, are now famous worldwide. Akita dogs have a strong body and are best known for their loyal personality. The number of Akita dogs raised overseas continues to increase. In Akita Prefecture, the Akita dog's birthplace, there is an active movement to utilize them for tourism promotion. Akita Sakigake Shimpo, entitled "Akitainu News," will circulate various domestic and international information about Akita dogs. The goal is to connect the world and Akita through Akita dogs.