This August broke the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded in Akita Prefecture and for the hottest consecutive days in the prefecture’s history. It was not only people who were suffering from the heat. The same went for the fluffy-haired Akita dogs. Here is a look at how these heat-sensitive dogs survived the summer, with photos and other information.
At Noshiro Kojuso, a kennel specializing in Akita dogs in Noshiro City, Akita, puppies born this summer slept peacefully with the help of cooling methods. They looked so cute sleeping with their little bodies attached to the coolant wrapped in newspaper.

Su-chan and Fujiko (photos) are the signature dogs of Enishi, a guest house in Kakunodate, Semboku City, Akita. This year, the two dogs’ bedrooms were air-conditioned, and they started to take up positions directly under the air conditioner or in front of the fan to feel the cool air, and they did not want to leave the area. Fujiko looked just like a human relaxing on the sofa.

The “Akita Dog Meeting Place” in Senshu Park, Akita City, took precautionary measures and closed on days forecasted to be extremely hot to manage the dogs’ physical condition. There were overwhelming posts on the meeting place’s Instagram stating “Temporarily Closed” with photos of the signboard dogs on it. In total, the park was closed for nearly half a month.