One-year-old male Akita dog Fuku once faced life and death as a newborn puppy because his mother refused to feed him. Luckily for Fuku, a couple adopted him, and he is now living a wholesome and happy life with his new family. This article highlights a recent visit to Fuku’s home in Hiroomote, Akita City.

“Fuku, say hello to our guest,” called his proud owners Mr. Yamada Satoru and his wife, Tomoko. Fuku looked stunning with his fluffy white hair, thoroughly cleaned to be ready for the visit. Fuku got excited upon the guest’s arrival and was playful for a while, eventually falling asleep and snoring peacefully. His adorable behavior always attracts people and brings joy to their faces.

Though it rained heavily on that day, the Yamadas took Fuku for a walk. Fuku loves going for walks with them, even in bad weather. According to the Yamadas, he was eager to go outside when the snowstorm hit Akita in January.
Mr. Yamada said, “It’s fun to imagine what Fuku is thinking while we’re walking. I never hesitate to go out together with him even when it’s raining or snowing.”
The couple initially had two other dogs, a Shetland Sheepdog, and a miniature Schnauzer. While they were planning to welcome an Akita dog as their third dog in the fall of 2019, they discovered that the Akita Dog Preservation Society in Odate City was looking for an owner via their social media.
The Yamadas read about the case where the mother would not feed her two puppies, causing them to fall into a critical condition. The puppies were rescued by Ms. Hazawa Asami, a breeder living in Odate City. Sadly, one of the puppies died soon after she started to care for them. The survivor was Fuku.

Ms. Hazawa worked diligently to save Fuku’s life. Knowing Fuku could no longer get his mother’s breast milk, Ms. Hazawa gave him milk mixed with essential nutrients similar to dog’s milk once every three hours by using a syringe. She gave him this formula once every three hours by using a syringe. After about ten days, Fuku gained enough energy to be able to drink milk on his own.
Just as Mr. and Mrs. Yamada were about to apply to be the puppy’s owners, the application process closed. Even so, the couple sent a sincere and passionate message to the Akita Dog Preservation Society. The couple explained that their eldest daughter is a dog trainer, and her husband is a licensed veterinary nurse, while Mr. Yamada himself is a licensed dog breeding manager. Above all, the family desires nothing more than to provide the happiest life for the puppy.
When Ms. Hazawa read their heartfelt message, she thought, “the owner has been decided.” After exchanging phone calls, Mr. and Mrs. Yamada were officially chosen as Fuku’s new owners.
Mrs. Yamada recalled the day she met him for the first time, saying, “He was a little plump but small enough to sit in my hands. He was just so cute and adorable.” The couple named the puppy Fuku, which means good fortune in Japanese. The couple wishes for Fuku to bring happiness to others, equal to the love and support they give to him.

Now that Fuku is over a year old and continuously growing, it is not easy to pick him up.
Mr. Yamada affectionately said, “It’s hard to imagine living without Fuku. He is a member of our family.” He continued, “I’m teaching him to stop when a car comes and not to jump on people or bite them in order to keep a good relationship with people.” Mr. Yamada understands the importance of training dogs.
“Fuku,” an Akita dog with a name of happiness, will continue to bring joy to the Yamada couple and those around them.